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Urbanisation Adventure


Analysing and evaluating. 

Use scientific knowledge and findings from investigations to identify relationships, evaluate claims and draw conclusions (VCSIS111)

Biological sciences.

Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs and can be affected by human activity (VCSSU093)

researching examples of human impacts on specific ecosystems

Learning intention:

For students to consider, compare and justify choices based on knowledge of food chains and organism relationships. The worksheet is designed as a precursor to the final debate. It has key knowledge areas that will aid in the synthesis of ideas. It also builds upon food chains and food webs and their knowledge of how change affects an ecosystem. This also requires a small amount of research and reading related to a scientific paper. Be sure to make this clear and show students a clear connection to real world science and how it goes about.

Key Outcomes:

By the end of this module, students will be able to

      -make choices based on information

      -consider all options and the effect that they will have

      -collaborate and compare answers with other students

      -justify and explain the choices they make

Teacher input: 

The teacher input is to discuss the information on the student side and make sure they are gathering information to inform their decisions on the worksheet. All students, even if they make the wrong choice should show some reasoning and justify their decisions. It is also advised to help discussions when students compare their choices to help them understand other perspectives and how to be respectful of the differences. This will help set up a good backing for the debate.




There are many assessments for this resource. The first is the urbanisation adventure worksheet, which has an exemplar above in resources. The second part is the online content and questions pertaining to the reading and deconstruction of the scientific paper that links with this activity. 

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